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【輸入盤CD】【新品】Carter Family / Carter Family Collection Vol. 2 1935-41【K2022/12/9発売】( カーター・ファミリー)

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The Carter Family are among the most important artists in the entire history of popular music. They were pioneers in writing and recording folk and country music for the commercial market, and their huge output of songs and recordings has become a major influence on music that has come after them in bluegrass, country, gospel, folk, skiffle, pop and rock. Acrobat has recognised their importance by creating two 6-CD sets to present the primary element of their recorded output - those recordings between 1927 and 1941 featuring the original incarnation of the group, A.P. Carter, his wife Sara Carter, and his sister in-law Maybelle Carter. This is the second of those sets, and addresses the years from 1935 to 1941, in a 130-track 6-CD collection comprising just about all their releases from this era on the Conqueror, Decca and Bluebird labels. It features their landmark1935 hit "Can The Circle Be Unbroken", along with many other classics which have become standards in folk and country repertoire, and provides a substantial and enlightening showcase for their unique talents. These two highly significant releases will give enthusiasts the chance to have a comprehensive collection of the first era Carter Family recordings, complete with Acrobats usual substantial booklet with comprehensive discographical information and detailed narrative発売日: 2022/12/9輸入盤USレーベル: Acrobat収録曲: 1.1 Glory to the Lamb1.2 Can the Circle Be Unbroken1.3 He Took a White Rose from Her Hair1.4 Your Mother Still Prays for You Jack1.5 The Fate of Dewey Lee1.6 East Virginia Blues #21.7 Im Thinkin Tonight of My Blue Eyes1.8 Lets Be Lovers Again1.9 Will You Miss Me When Im Gone1.10 Broken Hearted Lover1.11 River of Jordan1.12 Sea of Galilee1.13 Wildwood Flower1.14 Little Darling Pal of Mine1.15 Behind Those Stone Walls1.16 My Old Virginia Home1.17 Dont Forget Me Little Darling1.18 Gathering Flowers from the Hillside1.19 Kissing Is a Crime1.20 Lulu Walls1.21 Sinking in the Lonesome Sea2.1 By the Touch of Her Hand2.2 My Virginia Rose Is Blooming2.3 My Texas Girl2.4 Gospel Ship2.5 Keep on the Sunny Side2.6 God Gave Noah the Rainbow Sign2.7 On the Rock Where Moses Stood2.8 Single Girl, Married Girl2.9 No Others Bride Ill Be2.10 Dont Forget This Song2.11 Meet Me By the Moonlight Alone2.12 The Homestead on the Farm2.13 Sad and Lonesome Day2.14 My Clinch Mountain Home2.15 The Storms Are on the Ocean2.16 The Little Black Train2.17 Lonesome Valley2.18 Worried Man Blues2.19 Cannon Ball Blues2.20 Are You Lonesome Tonight2.21 My Dixie Darling2.22 Jealous Hearted Me3.1 My Native Home3.2 Theres No One Like Mother to Me3.3 No Depression in Heaven3.4 Answer to Weeping Willow3.5 Just Another Broken Heart3.6 My Honey Lou3.7 Where the Silvery Colorado Wends Its Way3.8 Lay My Head Beneath the Rose3.9 Youve Been a Friend to Me3.10 Bonnie Blue Eyes3.11 When Silver Threads Are Gold Again3.12 Give Me Your Love and Ill Give You Mine3.13 Sweet Heaven in My View3.14 The Wayworn Traveller3.15 In the Shadow of the Pines3.16 The Last Move for Me3.17 In a Little Village Churchyard3.18 Only Girl I Ever Cared About3.19 Funny When You Feel That Way3.20 Lovers Lane3.21 In the Shadow of Clinch Mountain4.1 Dark Haired True Lover4.2 He Never Came Back4.3 Honey in the Rock4.4 Look How This World Has Made a Change4.5 Jim Blakes Message4.6 When This Evening Sun Goes Down4.7 Hello Stranger4.8 Never Let the Devil Get the Upper Hand4.9 Hold Fast to the Right4.10 Lord Im in Your Care4.11 Broken Down Tramp4.12 Better Let That Liar Alone4.13 Goodbye to the Plains4.14 My Home Is Across the Blue Ridge Mountains4.15 Stern Old Bachelor4.16 Oh Take Me Back4.17 Walking in the Kings Highway4.18 Happy in the Prison4.19 They Call Her Mother4.20 Coal Miners Blues4.21 Whos That Knocking on My Window5.1 Young Freda Bolt5.2 Just a Few More Days5.3 Little Joe5.4 Bring Back My Boy5.5 St Regious Girl5.6 Cuban Soldier5.7 Heart That Was Broken for Me5.8 Farewell Nellie5.9 The Little Girl Who Played on My Knee5.10 You Are My Flower5.11 It Is Better Farther on5.12 You Denied Your Love5.13 Charlie and Nellie5.14 Youre Nothing More to Me5.15 Reckless Motorman5.16 Beautiful Home5.17 Little Poplar Log House on the Hill5.18 The Dying Mother5.19 Ill Never Forsake You5.20 Blackies Gunman5.21 Buddies in the Saddle5.22 Look Away from the Cross6.1 Therell Be No Distinction There6.2 Black Jack David6.3 Bear Creek Blues6.4 I Found You Among the Roses6.5 Lonesome for You Darling6.6 Give Him One More As He Goes6.7 We Shall Rise6.8 Its a Long, Long Road to Travel Alone6.9 Meeting in the Air6.10 Heavens Radio6.11 My Home Among the Hills6.12 Youve Got to Righten That Wrong6.13 Beautiful Isle Over the Sea6.14 In the Valley of Shenandoah6.15 Dark and Stormy Weather6.16 Girl on Green Briar Shore6.17 Something Got Hold of Me6.18 Keep on the Firing Line6.19 Fifty Miles of Elbow Room6.20 Why Do You Cry Little Darling6.21 Lonesome Homesick Blues6.22 The Wave on the Sea6.23 The Rambling Boyコメント:The Carter Family are among the most important artists in the entire history of popular music. They were pioneers in writing and recording folk and country music for the commercial market, and their huge output of songs and recordings has become a major influence on music that has come after them in bluegrass, country, gospel, folk, skiffle, pop and rock. Acrobat has recognised their importance by creating two 6-CD sets to present the primary element of their recorded output - those recordings between 1927 and 1941 featuring the original incarnation of the group, A.P. Carter, his wife Sara Carter, and his sister in-law Maybelle Carter. This is the second of those sets, and addresses the years from 1935 to 1941, in a 130-track 6-CD collection comprising just about all their releases from this era on the Conqueror, Decca and Bluebird labels. It features their landmark1935 hit "Can The Circle Be Unbroken", along with many other classics which have become standards in folk and country repertoire, and provides a substantial and enlightening showcase for their unique talents. These two highly significant releases will give enthusiasts the chance to have a comprehensive collection of the first era Carter Family recordings, complete with Acrobats usual substantial booklet with comprehensive discographical information and detailed narrative

【完売品】MODE NORM CORE / ツイルポケポケナロースカート

New Balance 冬用ブーツ グレーピンク 17センチ YO996BTB

【箱無し】その着せ替え人形は恋をする 喜多川海夢 フィギュア 黒江雫Ver.

専用 インコテックス メンズパンツ カーゴパンツ 厚手 グレー 46

日清 みそきん濃厚味噌 カップヌードル2個 カップライス2個

セラミックパワーギア ネックレス 45cm ネイビー/シルバー

133. 信楽焼 植木鉢 陶器鉢 作家鉢 塊根 アガベ グラキリス アロエ

HERMES 空箱 Louis Vuitton 布袋 その他セットです

【新品】レイクアルスター 膝掛け 毛布


残り 1 3814.2円

(38 ポイント還元!)

翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く

お届け日: 2025.02.26〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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