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【輸入盤CD】【新品】Sonny & Cher / Look At Us/Wondrous World Of/In Case Youre In 【K2018/10/26発売】(ソニー&シェール)

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UK three CD set containing a trio of albums from the beloved pop duo. Contains three Atlantic Records albums from 1965, 1966 and 1967 plus a host of A and B sides of singles released by Atlantic, but not on the albums. This collection features hits such as The Beat Goes On, But Youre Mine, I Got You Babe and Little Man. The duo sprang to fame with I Got You Babe, which was a #1 on both sides of the Atlantic in 1965. Cher went on to have an amazing solo career which continues to this day. Digitally remastered and slipcased.発売日: 2018/11/16輸入盤UKレーベル: Bgo - Beat Goes on収録曲: 1.1 I Got You Babe1.2 Unchained Melody1.3 Then He Kissed Me1.4 Sing Cest la Vie1.5 Its Gonna Rain1.6 500 Miles1.7 Just You1.8 The Letter1.9 Let It Be Me1.10 You Dont Love Me1.11 Youve Really Got a Hold on Me1.12 Why Dont They Let Us Fall in Love1.13 Summertime1.14 Tell Him1.15 Im Leaving It All Up to You1.16 But Youre Mine1.17 Bring It on Home to Me1.18 Set Me Free1.19 What Now My Love1.20 Leave Me Be1.21 I Look for You1.22 Laugh at Me1.23 Turn Around1.24 So Fine2.1 The Beat Goes on2.2 Groovy Kind of Love2.3 You Baby2.4 Monday2.5 Love Dont Come2.6 Podunk2.7 Little Man2.8 Well Sing in the Sunshine2.9 Misty Roses2.10 Stand By Me2.11 Living for You2.12 Cheryls Goin Home2.13 Hello2.14 Good Combination2.15 Love Is Strange2.16 Have I Stayed Too Long2.17 Plastic Man3.1 Baby Dont Go3.2 Its the Little Things3.3 Trust Me3.4 Good Times3.5 A Beautiful Story3.6 You Gotta Have a Thing of Your Own3.7 Circus3.8 Youre a Friend of Mine3.9 Get It Together3.10 Hold You Tighter3.11 Dont Talk to Strangersコメント:UK three CD set containing a trio of albums from the beloved pop duo. Contains three Atlantic Records albums from 1965, 1966 and 1967 plus a host of A and B sides of singles released by Atlantic, but not on the albums. This collection features hits such as The Beat Goes On, But Youre Mine, I Got You Babe and Little Man. The duo sprang to fame with I Got You Babe, which was a #1 on both sides of the Atlantic in 1965. Cher went on to have an amazing solo career which continues to this day. Digitally remastered and slipcased.

SUDA01T E-HERO イービルヒーロー フルセット 各 3枚

URBAN RESEARCH ダークグレー ジャンパー 38


Stussy 59FIFTY キャップ 7 3/8 (黒)

石屋製菓 白い恋人12枚入×2


Rick風 カーゴパンツ

KONTEX フラッフィー フード付バスタオル

PROMARINE 海将小船 KK-100L プロマリン 小型船用両軸リール

AVIREX 迷彩 ミリタリージャケット M

残り 1 3970.2円

(40 ポイント還元!)

翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く

お届け日: 2025.02.24〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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